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jane jane is a female


Registration Date: 05-31-2008
Posts: 6
Mistress Or Master Or Slave: Mistress
Location: ohio

Level: 21 [?]
Experience: 36,884
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Task report by Jane Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

I started the task as promised this morning at 7.45. In truth the task was started days ago as I made my plans. It was with mounting excitement and not a little trepidation that I began the task this morning. I had cooked an extra piece of steak last night and onion for use in the task. This morning I prepared everything as instructed. The bowls were labelled with the word "DOG" in my own handwriting and placed on the kitchen floor a bowl was placed in this room (our downstairs toilet is small and I hoped to take a picture for you). A blanket was placed in the kitchen and all was ready. I stood in the centre of my living room and stripped very concious that if someone was passing and particularly nosy they would be able to see me. I stood and placed the collar around my neck got on to all fours and picking up my vibe in my mouth I began to crawl to the kitchen. I had not realised how round my vibe was and twice it slipped from my mouth causing me to have to bend and retreive it. I finally picked it up at the end and sucked it into my mouth and crawled sucking it in toward the bowls and blanket.

I leaned over the bowls and dropped the toy for later use turned and using only my teeth connected the loop attached to the end of the belt to the cupboard handle. There I was now leaning over two bowls one with chopped steak, onion and crushed crispbread the other with water, swallowing hard I bent over the food bowl and began to try and eat. This was more difficult than I thought it would be, to get hold of the chunks of meat required me to push my face into the bowl, my tongue was able to lap the onions and some of the smaller pieces of crispbread, chewing in this position is also harder. The first few mouthfuls my mind was on the task in hand just getting the food into my mouth but after a little while I began to view myself as Sir would or any other viewer of what I was doing and began to feel embarassed at the degrading position I was in, my ass was to the kitchen my head below the counter and my knees beginning to hurt. There is no way to speed up this process so I continued to chew and swallow. I did make the mistake of cooking the steak last night with some spicy seasoning, partly as I like my steak this way and partly to deter my partner from eating the spare piece. I was to pay for this as my lips began to burn from the spices.

About half way through I decided now was the time to take a drink, the crispbreads are very hard to eat dry and crumbled this way. Looking at the bowl of water caused me confusion, exactly how was I to do this and not get the water full of the food I knew was around my face. I lapped a little just with my tongue and that was enough at that time. I returned to the bowl of food and ate some more, I was beginning to feel full now and with my burning lips and the difficulty of getting the small pieces that were left in the bowl out made me want to quit. Of course I didn't I did what any dog would do and pushed deeper into the dish pushing it against the edge of the blanket so I could snuffle all the food up and give the bowl a good lick.

Now I returned to the water bowl and began to lap again with my tongue, I felt less inhibited now and after getting so little I put my face further into the bowl and began to really suck it up, the first piece of stray food that came into my mouth felt cold but I chewed it and returned to emptying the bowl. Again as the bowl emptied I thought of Sir watching and hoped you would be enjoying it, this thought pleased me and for the first time I became stimulated, possibly because the task for nearly over. Making a slight change to the instructions (Please forgive me it was for your pleasure) I took the blanket in my mouth and began to drag it and the toy toward this room so I could complete the task. Half way along after tripping a few times as my knees dragged the blanket from my mouth my toy rolled from the blanket (at this point I knew I hadn't thought this through properly but imagined you standing laughing at my clumsy attempt to please). I managed to get the blanket into the room and crawled back to retrieve the toy again sucking it into my mouth to carry it. This time I also thought how I looked on all fours, face dirty and dripping with food and water eaten from dog bowls crawling with a vibe sucking into my mouth wearing a belt with the end trailing like a leash. An embarassing and humiliating picture, but still a turn on for me.

The bowl was as positioned earlier in front of the cam and with the time delay set I pressed the button and assumed the position to pee, my bladder was not very full but I did manage to force some out eventually. I do not think this shows well on cam. Again following the instructions of the task i turned and sniffed the warm yellow liquid, realising once again my lack of forethought to reach such a small amount of pee my face would have to fully enter the bowl to lap at it. Taking a deep breath I plunged in and lapped twice, it was not unpleasant but bitter and still warm.

Moving the bowl carefully to oneside I repositioned the blanket and proceeded to masterbate with my vibe I took a few photos during this session in the hope of posting something along with this report. My pussy was very wet and it did not take very long at all for me to climax, truth be told I wanted to continue and have more orgasms but this had not been part of the task so I removed the vibe and proceeded to tidy everything away.

After tidying I crawled upstairs entered the bathroom and turned the shower on cold, I had already positioned my shampoo and soap on the floor of the shower for easy reach. I removed the collar and crawled into the shower where I did my best imitation of a dog rubbing and cleaning itself. Not having looked at my face during the task I was surpsed when I reached up and felt the dried food still attached to my chin and around my mouth. I did not linger long in the cold shower but came out shivering and wrapped myself in a large towel hugged myself until I felt warm again. After applying my usual after shower creams etc I walked into the bedroom and dressed in black panties, blue jeans, black socks, white bra and white top. I then came directly to the computer room and made my report.

I do hope the slight modifications to the task will be forgiven by Sir as they were done with the best of intentions. I felt so many emotions while doing this but it has reconfirmed my sub position and my deep need to please despite my own slightly uncomfortable feelings. Thank you once again for setting this task.

Photo is attached of me masterbating at the end of the task. The task took approximately one hour to perform which was in fact a bit longer than I expected.
05-31-2008 05:07 jane is offline Send an Email to jane Search for Posts by jane Add jane to your Buddy List
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Master Master is a male
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Advanced Level: Humiliation Task to Learn Your Place Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

Items required to complete the task

A dog collar or a small mans belt which can be fitted around the neck

A leash or a 3ft long piece of nylon rope

Two dog bowls or small plastic bowls with Dog written on the side(you will write this)

A larger bowl able to contain urine

2oz's of cooked meat chunks

1/4 of a small onion or pepper

two crackers broken up

A dogs blanket or small rug


You will put cold water into one of the bowls and mix the cold meat chunks onion and biscuit in the other, Place them in the kitchen by the dog blanket these need to be close to a table leg or cupboard handle you can tie the leash to.

You will go into the front room strip naked place the collar and leash on your neck and get on to all fours you will go on all fours in to the kitchen tie the leash to the table leg or cupboard handle you will then eat the food not using your hands but eating it as a dog would you will also drink the water by lapping it up.

When you have finished you will lick out the bowls to show your appreciation and then go into the bathroom where the other bowl will be placed you will crawl over it and urinate into to it with your knees bent and your arms straight as a female dog would urinate.

You will then come of the bowl crawl around it and sniff it then lap up some of the urine twice.

After this you will crawl into the kitchen lie on the mat or rug and using a vibrator bring your self to orgasm.then you will clean up all of the items you have used You may take off the lead go into the shower turn it on to cold and get on to your hands and knees again and then rub your self clean. then dress I want you to report your feelings to me the same day. You have five days to complete the task.
Items required to complete the task
05-31-2008 03:45 Master is offline Send an Email to Master Search for Posts by Master Add Master to your Buddy List
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